"Do what you like and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
~ Dr. Suess

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Wow! We have been very busy with our IMPACT lately! Last week, Rose Douglas came in to help us make our second pizza. It was DELICIOUS and everyone (including us!) loved it! We will defiantly be using that pizza recipe for our first cooking show- which we will be making soon! We have a blog, to update our progress, check it out here.

We have also managed to create our own youtube channel, so we can post our videos! You can have a look at it here!.
Here are a few pics from when we made the pizza!
Our finished Pizza!
The taste testers!

Chefs at work!



  1. Awesome work girls. I'll have to check out your youtube page - very exciting :)

  2. Are you girls wearing lipstick in your videos?? Perhaps change the colour!

    1. No, we are not wearing lipstick!!?

  3. Hi Sophie - I love your intro chats, that is, after all those giggles have finished. Great work - glad to see you get it started. Well done. I will have to have a chat to those make-up artists! :D
